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Prof. Dr. habil. Christopher Dell

Professor, UFoK, OT and RFoP

Room 3.111.1

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Christopher Dell (Dr. habil.) is a theoretician and composer. From 2015 to 2018 he was Professor for Urban Forms of Knowledge, Organisation Theory and Relational Forms of Practice (UFoK, OT and RFoP). He held a similar position at Technical University Munich. Dell is also director of ifit, Institute for Improvisation Technology, Berlin. His international experience includes teachings for the Architectural Association, London, the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Columbia University, New York and Academie for Bouwkunst, Arnheim. He is interested in practices and the organisation processes in the contemporary city. In trans-disciplinary work constellations he attempts to conceptionalize relational forms of action as procedures and to render them fruitful for research and design.