M.Sc. Lea Ouardi
November 26, 2018
26/11/18 Book presentation. Everyday Urban Design 3 and 4. Pro qm, Berlin
October 18, 2018
18/10/18 Book presentation. Everyday Urban Design 3 and 4. Sautter+Lackmann, Hamburg
Everyday Urban Design
October 9, 2018
Everyday Urban Design 3. Zwölf Apfelbäume. Selbstbau in der (post)sowjetischen Sommerhauskolonie
Master Theses
September 30, 2016
Self-organised cultivation of building and dwelling in Mähe, Tallinn On the transformation of a soviet summer house area into a post-soviet residential area 2016
March 31, 2015
Plattentektonik – Wohnen im Spannungsfeld von Plan und Wirklichkeit. Atlas 2014/2015