- Events
- October 30, 2014
30/10/2014 Dialog Lecture by Adauto Cardos: Practices of Dwelling: Case Studies from Hamburg and Rio de Janeiro
Neighbourhoods’ University (UdN) in Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg - Prof. Bernd Kniess
Over the passed five years the project Neighbourhoods’ University (UdN) has been taking an exploratory approach to develop and test contemporary forms of education at the interface between culture, knowledge and urban development. It was launched in 2008 as an autonomous, experimental project set up by the
Urban Design faculty of the HafenCity University Hamburg — the University of The Built Environment And Metropolitan Development, in collaboration with the International Building Exhibition Hamburg (IBA) and Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik GmbH Hamburg.
Alternative Social Housing in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro - Prof. Adauto Cardoso
In recent years, urbanization projects in Rio de Janeiro‘s favelas are mostly based on the so called ‚Bogotá model‘ that requests the demolition of a high number of houses. Due to land scarcity, not only within but mostly also in the surroundings of Favelas, it causes evictions of families that are forced to relocate tens of kilometers away from their homes. The ‚Observatório das Metrópoles‘, research group at Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro, developed an alternative housing project for the favela of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro. It proposes the use of technological innovation to adapt to the topography of the area thus creating new geographical spaces and preventing forced relocations. At the same time, it offers alternative housing typologies and new open spaces for community usage.
Prof. Adauto Cardoso graduated in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He holds a Master degree in Urban and Regional Planning (also UFRJ) and a Ph.D. in Architecture and Urbanism from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP). He is currently Associate Professor at the Institute of Research in Urban and Regional Planning and researcher at the Observatório das Metrópolis (both UFRJ). His research interest is particularly in housing policy and instruments for land regulation.
Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014, 17.00 Uhr
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Überseeallee 16
Raum 3.110

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