07/11/2014 Guest Lecture by Hank Oosterling: Skill is Will Rotterdam Vakmanstad

Skill is will in Rotterdam Skillcity Sustainable citizenship and
urban integral area development. Oosterling will present his projects, explain the discursive background – an eco-relational philosophy - , explore the actual dimensions of Urban Design as sustainable area development, and formulate some necessary preconditions of 21st century sustainable citizenship.

See: www.vakmanstad.nl, www.henkoosterling.nl

Henk Oosterling (1952) is associate professor Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam where he teaches French contemporary philosophy, intercultural philosophy and philosophy of arts. Oosterling’s research project ‘Intermediality’ focuses on the crossovers between philosophy, art and politics. Next to this he is strategic advisor for urban revitalisation and renovation and director of Rotterdam Skillcity. Since 2007 this network based research organization implements and supervises emancipatory educational projects, focused on craftsmanship and sustainability in schools, under the heading of Physical

Freitag, 7. November 2014, 18.00 Uhr
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Überseeallee 16
Raum 3.110





Wohnen zwischen Plan und Wirklichkeit