Festival Architecture
Festivals come and go but their impact on local culture is long lasting. Why do festivals occur and what are the spatial manifestations of these events? To answer these questions we look at a case study, the Indian Ramlila, to understand how it turns a small town into a stage.
Sarah Bonnemaison has a doctorate in Human Geogra- phy from the University of British Columbia and degrees in Architecture from Pratt Institute and M.I.T.. As asso- ciate professor of Architecture at Dalhousie University in Canada, her research includes temporary urbanism, festivals, lightweight and tensile structures and instal- lations. Her written work includes Architecture and Nature: Creating the American Landscape (Routledge, 2003), Festival Architecture (ed., Routledge 2008), In- stallations by Architects (2009). She also has a design of ce, Filum Ltd, that focuses on tensile and festival architecture.
Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010, 19.00 Uhr
HafenCity Universität Hamburg Averhoffstraße 38
Erdgeschoss, Raum 16 b
Feste und Feiern sind, wie Stadt und Architektur, gesellschaftliche Institutionen, die Gemeinschaften herstellen. Als außergewöhnliche Ereignisse heben sie sich vom Alltag und dessen Regeln ab und sind dennoch in den städtischen und gesellschaftlichen Strukturen fest verankert. Die Stadt wird seit jeher durch zahlreiche festliche Anlässe geprägt: fürstliche und kirchliche Feste, Prozessionen und …