14/12/23 "Socio-Spatial Mapping" Lecture by Larissa Fassler

Socio-Spatial Mapping: What Can We Learn About People, Places, and Systems through Acts of Observation and Mapping?

Guest Lecture by Larissa Fassler
on December 14 at 17:15

About the Lecturer:

For the past 17 years, Larissa Fassler has been creating works of art that document and interrogate the geo-spatial politics of city life. With cartographic paintings and drawings, and architectural sculptures, she creates visualisations of the observable and intangible characteristics of a city, and document the complicated socioeconomic and cultural issues affecting urban space today.
Drawing on the tradition of psychogeography, she maps urban landscapes using her own body. She employs my own subjective systems to survey public spaces by walking their length and breadth, recording her corporeal experiences and spending hundreds of hours collecting detailed observations onsite as well undertaking archival and online research.

Time and Date: Thursday, 14.12.2023, at 17:15
Location: HafenCity Universität, room 3.104

  • Image: UD Team
    Image: UD Team



Liminal Cities

Liminal Cities

Urban Life In-between