- Events
- September 26, 2024
26-27/09/24 Urban Design Thesis Presentations
We are excited to invite you to this year's Presentation of the Urban Design Master's theses, taking place on September 26 and 27 at HCU Hamburg. This year’s thesis projects explore a diverse range of research topics that critically examine urban life, governance, and social dynamics within the urban realm.
With projects focusing on infrastructures and urban transformation, sustainability and environmental futures the research topics ranged from examining the revitalization of urban soils through urban gardening practices, the role of public kiosks now being redefined as social hubs in transforming local economies, and Hamburg's waste disposal infrastructure; to research on governance and citizenship, such as the role of active citizenship in co-governing urban green spaces in Hamburg, as well as the potential of co-production in urban development.
With a focus on community practices students looked into the importance of arthouse cinemas as interconnected cultural spaces in Hamburg, and into how migrant narratives are inscribed into urban memory.
Gender, housing, and care were other major themes with projects investigating the crucial role of housing in the context of domestic violence or exploring networks of care for people with dementia, providing insight into the invisible support systems that exist in the urban fabric.
Over the course of two days, 19 students will present their thesis projects, reflecting on the complexities and dissonances, collective negotiations and ongoing transformations of cities and their understanding of them. The master theses projects in Urban Design could help us to understand: If we make the city tangible as a process of the urban, we can try out new forms of intervention and collaboration for the creation of alternative urban futures.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Date and Venue:
Thursday, 26.09.2024, Room 3.101 & 3.104, 9:00 - 18:20 (Presentations)
Friday, 27.09.2024, Room 3.107 & 3.104, 8:20 - 16:00 (Presentations)
Thesis Projects supervised by:
Konrad Braun, Regula Valerie Burri, Elisa Cuter, Paulina Domke, Jesko Fezer, Hanna Göbel, Monika Grubbauer, Robin Höning, Bernd Kniess, Oliver Kirst, Miriam Kreuzer, Sophia Leipert, Alessandra Manganelli, Nassim Mehran, Fabian Namberger, Valerie Rehle, Inga Reimers, Zita Seichter, Tobias Studer, Manuel Wagner and Michael Ziehl
Prof. Dr. Regula Valérie Burri
Professor, Science and Technology Studies
Amy Gabriela Cimerman
Prof. Dr. Hanna Göbel
Acting Professor, Urban Anthropology and Ethnographic Methods
Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer
Professor, History and Theory of the City
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Bernd Kniess
Professor, Urban Design
Liminal Cities

Urban Life In-between
Faced by a multiplicity of global crises, urban life today has reached a tipping point. Most pressingly, an accelerating climate catastrophe calls for feasible social and ecological alternatives beyond western capitalist hegemony and its dependence on profit-oriented production and excessive mass consumption. Equally, the resurgence of military conflict in and beyond Europe combined with the …