Project Management in Urban Design: Repository & Play

The e-learning arrangement Basics: Project Management in Urban Design displays how the archive as part of the project archaeology Building a Proposition for Future Activities – Begegnungshaus Poppenbüttel 43 transposes the eponymous performative process into a diagram of writings.

Project Management in Urban Design P L A Y is organised via two vectors: 1. We continue to research the transposition of the performative process into representations and 2. we open up the scales and scopes of this research to make the principles of the transposition in modes of performative encounter available as a spatial strategy. This includes problematizing the improvisation of space aligned to the following questions: How do actions come into the world? Which modes of realising, which conditions of materiality, temporality and sociality are related to them? Which political constellations allow what forms of performances to take place? What forms of performance undermine political norms and how? How do performative encounters exploit and reveal the excess of performative aspects of the improvisation of space? How do actions relate to mediality? How do we navigate in a political field in relation to the contingency of actions, when actions produce and enable this very contingency? Is there a surplus of meaning in the performative over verbal expression? This surplus of meaning is not only bound to the expression of the performance and its medial representation, but furthermore relates to the expression of the right to performance.

Project Management in Urban Design P L A Y is based on the methodology developed in Basics: Project Management in Urban Design. The transposition from the Basics to the P L A Y version will be mastered in the form of a repository. The Project Management in Urban Design repository will assemble frames in the categories description, conception, reference, synthesis and manual. The performative aspects of the project Begegnungshaus Poppenbüttel will again be displayed in the form of archives with the aim to understand the P L A Y.

Project duration: September 2017 to September 2018

Please find the Hamburg Open Online University Project at



Modes of Realising

Modes of Realising