Everyday Urban Design 8. Anmeldung Not Possible: Das Scheinanmelden als Aspekt informeller Wohnpraxis in Berlin

EUD8: Anmeldung not possible. Das Scheinanmelden als Aspekt informeller Wohnpraxis in Berlin. Lena Enne.

Living without being registered with the relevant authority is a common practice in German cities that are affected by the housing crisis. Despite this ubiquity, this practice is discussed in academia, politics and the media almost exclusively in the context of the individual offence. EUD 8 illustrates the multi-causality of the phenomenon using the example of Berlin's housing market and argues for a new perspective on a widely known but under-researched problem. To this end, this book takes a critical look not only at those directly affected by so called ‘Scheinanmeldungen’, but also at administrative practices and the actions of property owners.

About the Author:

Lena Enne studied geography and urban design in Vienna, Prague, and Hamburg and has worked as a project coordinator at the intersection of research and artistic practice at ZK/U – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik in Berlin. Since April 2022, she has been a doctoral researcher at the DFG Research Training Group "Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale" at HafenCity University Hamburg. In her research, she explores the maintenance and repair of Hamburg's historically evolved infrastructures in the context of past and current transformation processes.

About the Series:

The City is an unfinished process, characterised by constantly shifting connections between the everyday practices of its human and non-human actors. Rather than an object, it is an open process or form which can only be grasped structurally. Everyday Urban Design investigates the interplay between discursive structures (e.g. codes, laws), spatio-material arrangements, agencies and actors as constructive parameters that provide the basis for the production of the city. The virtuality comprised within these infrastructures is not an illusory world, but the essence of a diagrammatic realm that is situated between representation and non-representability. With regards to the possibilities and constraints of urban design, this realm demands to be unveiled, de-constructed and rearranged. Such a diagrammatic variant of structuralism renders structure the productive tool for re-programming and connects research with projective methods and cultural practices of everyday life. Design and research converge by becoming performative.

Enne, Lena. 2024. Anmeldung not possible. Das Scheinanmelden als Aspekt informeller Wohnpraxis in Berlin. Everyday Urban Design 8. Berlin: botopress.

  • All images: Lena Enne
    All images: Lena Enne



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