„Liminal spaces are attractive. They are the places we go to in search of a break from the normal. They can be real places, parts of a larger territory, or they can be imagined or dreamed.“ (Thomassen 2012: 21)
In UDP1, the students put up a performance showcasing how they produce their Atlas "Liminal Cities" and how their understanding of liminality is manifested through the urban spaces in Hamburg. This atlas is the product of a multitude of people and also a multitude of disciplines, views and working methods.
This interdisciplinary is central to our understanding of the urban as a complex and dynamic system. In the course of our semester, we explored the annual theme of Liminal Cities→ discussing, rotating, designing, researching and reflecting on it.
The idea for this Atlas was to bring the concept of liminality all along the book and bring it to life. For that they created "Excursus" (little pink books) that offer theoretical approaches for an in-depth examination of a certain specific content and act as a kind of lens, through which the topic of liminality can be viewed. In this Atlas it is possible to find different levels of understanding as well as different lectures, making the lecture more connected to one's interest. Where a Thematic navigation within the atlas is facilitated by direct references to keywords in the text and topic-related references that lead to other articles.
Through different thematic approaches, the color pink coordinate the relation of different information of each location, as well as brighten up the physical location for the book presentation at Kachelraum.
This project was developed as part of the UDP1_Liminal Cities: Urban Life in-between
Faced by a multiplicity of global crises, urban life today has reached a tipping point. Most pressingly, an accelerating climate catastrophe calls for feasible social and ecological alternatives beyond western capitalist hegemony and its dependence on profit-oriented production and excessive mass consumption. Equally, the resurgence of military conflict in and beyond Europe combined with the …