- Student Projects
- Master Theses
- September 30, 2016
„Neues Feld im Alten Land?“ – A new topic in Neuenfelde in the Altes Land region? 2016
A cultural analysis and reconstruction of narraMives of arrival in Neuenfelde between “Little-Istanbul” and a follow-up accommodation for refugees
Hamburg in the year 2016. The question of arrival and housing for refugees is omnipresent, also in Hamburg-Neuenfelde, a rural district in the outskirts of Hamburg´s Southern Elbe region, characterized by its rural structure and ancient village ambience. 2016 container housing for refugees opens up here surrounded by apple fields on the ground of a remaining parking area of a former shipyard company. With the inauguration some of the arrival-experiences connected to the history of the “Sietas” shipyard company are revitalized. The reference to the past seems to be close with the so called “Little-Istanbul” settlement, which existed here.
One summer long I documented and reflected with the help of go-alongs, observation, interviews and documents of the time stories of arrival between shipyard company, fruit-growing, former “Little-Istanbul” and the container housing for refugees discovering how people arrived here, what experiences of arrival are connected to the place of arrival and what we can learn from their stories for new arrivals in the area.
Elias, Norbert; Scotson, John L. (1993): Etablierte und Aussenseiter. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Herrmann, Ruth (1975): Wir sind doch nicht vom Mond! Klein-Istanbul an der Elbe. Originalausg. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt (Rororo Rotfuchs, 47).
Kusenbach, Margarthe (2003): Street phenomenology. The go-along as ethnographic research tool. In: Ethnography (Vol 4(3)), S. 455–485.
Lindner, Rolf (2008): Textur, imaginaire, Habitus. Schlüsselbegriffe der kulturanalytischen Stadtforschung. In: Martina Löw (Hg.): Die Eigenlogik der Städte: neue Wege für die Stadtforschung. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, S. 83-94.
McFarlane, Colin (2011): Learning the city. Knowledge and translocal assemblage. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell (RGS-IBG book series).
Yavuz, Yüksel (1995): Mein Vater der Gastarbeiter: zero film im Auftrag des ZDF.
Methods: fieldwork, cultural analysis and reconstruction, go-along, participant observation, interview
Cover Go along – following the memories of arrival Go along – locating memories Locating Neuenfelde in Hamburg Book for children about life in Little Istanbul View along
Prof. Dr. Alexa Färber
Professor, Urban Anthropology and Ethnography
Dr. Anna Richter
Post-doctoral Researcher
Anke Schmidt

City of Residents
Approximately 1.7 million people currently live in Hamburg. 31% of these Hamburg residents statistically have a background of migration. In addition, in 2013, 5.8 million tourists entered the city, 325,000 people commute to Hamburg in a day-to-day basis, and there is also a growing number of refugees waiting in cramped lodgings for the outcome of their asylum proceedings. Who is where and when a …