- Student Projects
- Master Theses
- July 1, 2012
Super Burgas 2012
The thesis aims to unveil and analyze the process of planning and realization of the ‘Super Burgas’ project - a major waterfront redevelopment in the city of Burgas, Bulgaria, and in the same time to position it within the future development of this city using the scenario-oriented method. This will hopefully lead to a better understanding of the planning processes, including the conception of the Master Plan and the interests of the different actors and stakeholders.
In order to understand the project in the context of the city, a profound analysis of its morphology, its life and the residents’ relationship to the waterfront is carried out, on the basis of which three possible scenarios are developed. The first one is based on the forecasts of the current Master Plan, the second represents an alternative to it and the third one is a mixture of the first two. They not only outline future opportunities but also emphasize important aspects that should be taken into consideration in the further planning. All in all, the examination of the complexity of waterfront restructuring emphasizes the need for open and dynamic planning approaches when it comes to the realization of superior visions.
Zoning plan of Burgas Thesisaufbau scenario 1: follow the masterplan scenario 2: follow the beat of the city scenario 3: follow the city development dynamics
Wohnen als Praxis

Wohnen ist diejenige Form von städtischer Praxis, die private und öffentliche Räume gleichermaßen betrifft. Wohnräume sind dabei nicht nur Privatangelegenheiten – sie transportieren immer auch Vorstellungen von Gemeinschaft und Stadt als Gesamtheit. Städtischer Raum wird dagegen zunehmend bewohnt, viele einst private Lebensbereiche sind mittlerweile dorthin ausgelagert. In einer Betrachtung des …