- Student Projects
- Projects
- March 31, 2024
Working accumulating negotiating and dispersing
"Working accumulating negotiating and dispersing“ by Florian Carius, Tammo Fricke, Lea-Elisa Jüttner, and Paula Schüler.
This project dives into the vibrant world of the Bahrenfelder Trabrennbahn flea market in Hamburg. It explores the market's role as a vital urban infrastructure and its significance for the people who visit it regularly. Each chapter delves into the market's rich tapestry, from the early morning setup of stalls to the lively negotiations and diverse offerings that reflect the international flavors and voices present.
This project was developed as part of UDP3-Liminal Cities: Collective Insurgencies
All images: Florian Carius, Tammo Fricke, Lea-Elisa Jüttner, Paula Schüler
Liminal Cities

Urban Life In-between
Faced by a multiplicity of global crises, urban life today has reached a tipping point. Most pressingly, an accelerating climate catastrophe calls for feasible social and ecological alternatives beyond western capitalist hegemony and its dependence on profit-oriented production and excessive mass consumption. Equally, the resurgence of military conflict in and beyond Europe combined with the …