Urban Design Project II Parapolis – The City of Residents
 Urban Upgrade 2016

The contributions to the Atlas developed in Urban Design Research and Design Project 1 (UDP1) describe and analyze the relationship between transitional or translational processes and Hamburg’s urban development. Scanning through and selectively reading specific episodes and sites, helps us discover the interests in and motives behind further processing this year’s topic “Parapolis — The City of Residents” in the Urban Design Research and Design Project 2. It raises questions concerning contemporary and sustainable ways of urban living and adequate forms of urban expansion that are the product of more than what is needed to meet the needs of exceptionally high immigration rates.

We will begin by examining the various typologies of Hamburg’s current urban development and transformation plans in the UDP2: Take 1 Operational Zones looks at their political and administrative aspects, Take 2 Site & Context: Subject to Urban Design deals with the location, circumstances, and urban development of individual projects, and Take 3 Agencies focuses on the urban everyday practices, places, and situations.

Based on the results of three takes and the motives that were developed at the beginning, the students form groups and design their own intervention-oriented research projects with the objective of evincing future potential spaces in groups and to bring selected players into the active process.

10 CP
Thursdays 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
Kick-Off 07/04/16 9.30 Uhr
Room 3.108
Colloquium 14/04/16
Colloquium 21/04/16
Colloquium 28/04/16
Colloquium 02/06/16
Colloquium 14/07/16
Final-Colloquium 26/04/16

  • Marco Maggi
    Marco Maggi





City of Residents