- Teaching
- Urban Territories
- April 1, 2024
Urban Territories II 2024
After practicing a repertoire of methods in Urban Territories I, the course Urban Territories II: Designing Urban Research will expand students’ methodological toolbox and fieldwork research. The aim is to encourage the confident handling of the various methods and their interconnection. The focus will be on the interdisciplinary discussion of current approaches in qualitative urban research and the development of a coherent research design in relation to the annual theme and to the project in UDP2: Capitalist ruins. The course Urban Territories II will take place weekly. In an alternating rhythm of a three-hour lecture and a two-hour seminar, practice-oriented theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches to the scientific exploration of social spaces are elaborated. The lecture introduces and discusses the different main topics on the basis of the reading done by the students. The seminar serves to deepen the respective contents, to conduct research in the field and to interpret the conduced materials. Intensive reading and continuous independent study are a prerequisite for active participation in the module. Required reading, supplementary and in-depth literature will be made available on Moodle. Students are expected to develop their individual motives, epistemological interests and research questions, to collect, document, evaluate and interpret their own data. The submission will be a research report based upon the conducted materials.
Monday 12:15 – 15:00
Room 2.015
Prof. Dr. Hanna Göbel
Acting Professor, Urban Anthropology and Ethnographic Methods
M.A. Anna Hentschel
Academic Staff, Ph.D. Candidate
Liminal Cities
Urban Life In-between
Faced by a multiplicity of global crises, urban life today has reached a tipping point. Most pressingly, an accelerating climate catastrophe calls for feasible social and ecological alternatives beyond western capitalist hegemony and its dependence on profit-oriented production and excessive mass consumption. Equally, the resurgence of military conflict in and beyond Europe combined with the …