- Events
- January 13, 2011
13/01/2011 Guest Lecture by Mark Saunders: Olympics 2012: Legacy, Land Grabs and Liberties
Olympics 2012: Legacy, Land Grabs and Liberties
In the Fog of Games the first casualty is the truth. The Olympics, like other sporting spectaculars, are only brief and transitory television events that disguise and justify Mega projects of vast urban restructuring that permanently distort our cities for the benefit of a few business interests . The common features of these Mega projects are unprecedented land grabs, the peddling of myths of "regeneration" and the "legacy" benefits for the host community, the sweeping away of democratic structures and planning restraints, the transfer of public money into private hands and "information management" to hid truths and silence critics.
Mark Saunders, award winning independent documentary filmmaker, community media activist and writer. In 1982 he founded Despite TV, an innovative media co-operative based in east London. In 1990 he was a founding member of INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action) and in 1987 he established Spectacle, a radical media practice. His films include The Truth Lies in Rostock and Exodus Movement of Jah People.
Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011, 19.00 Uhr
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Averhoffstraße 38
Raum 16b, Erdgeschoss
Feste feiern

Kollektivierungen urbaner Praxis
Feste und Feiern sind, wie Stadt und Architektur, gesellschaftliche Institutionen, die Gemeinschaften herstellen. Als außergewöhnliche Ereignisse heben sie sich vom Alltag und dessen Regeln ab und sind dennoch in den städtischen und gesellschaftlichen Strukturen fest verankert. Die Stadt wird seit jeher durch zahlreiche festliche Anlässe geprägt: fürstliche und kirchliche Feste, Prozessionen und …