- Events
- August 27, 2024
27/08/24 Liminal Cities - Ruins of Capitalism: Final presentations of UDP2 2024
It is the end of the semester, and we would like to invite you to the final presentations of this semesters UDP 2 "Liminal Cities: Ruins of Capitalism" next Tuesday, August 27. UDP2 turns our attention to destructive modes of development of the capitalist city.
The students have worked on projects concerning various sites of stalled and abandoned construction projects as spaces of liminality. Over the course of the semester we have been asking ourselves: How can we turn these destructive forms of speculation into more generative modes of investment and urban development? To what extent can these mid-construction / mid-use ruins serve as a cultural means of speculating about more socially sustainable and just futures? And finally, can we propose alternative futures that transcend the logic of the capitalist system?
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Time and Date: 27.08.24 from 9:00-13:00
Location: Room 3.107 at HCU
Image: Summer semester 2024 UDP2 students
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Bernd Kniess
Professor, Urban Design
M.A. Antonia Lembcke
Academic Staff, Ph.D. Candidate
M.A. Anna Hentschel
Academic Staff, Ph.D. Candidate
Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer
Professor, History and Theory of the City
Prof. Dr. Hanna Göbel
Professor, Methods of Urban Practice
Liminal Cities

Urban Life In-between
Faced by a multiplicity of global crises, urban life today has reached a tipping point. Most pressingly, an accelerating climate catastrophe calls for feasible social and ecological alternatives beyond western capitalist hegemony and its dependence on profit-oriented production and excessive mass consumption. Equally, the resurgence of military conflict in and beyond Europe combined with the …