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- May 1, 2015
Showtime Wilhelmsburg – A Randonnée of Possibilities
Something hangs in the air,
in the evening, at dusk, the mood high-spirited.
Loud, squealing and screeching.
Engaging in a virtual dialogue with French sociologist Bruno Latour and philosopher Michel Serres, Tabea Michaelis sets off on a “randonnée” around the Wilhelmsburg Elbe Islands and observes the everyday interactions of umpteen human and non-human actors from the perspective of Actor-Network Theory (ANT). In texts, photographs, open-ended stories, and drawings, she records tattooed sports cars in the port area, empty sunflower seed kernels under park benches and individual balcony usages in large housing estates. Using the iterative coding method of Grounded Theory, Tabea Michaelis ultimately devises thirty-two conceptual terms that form an analytical/poetic reflection of the program of a space of possibilities. Moving beyond simply bringing together countless episodes of a “randonnée” as a diagrammatical catalog, thanks to its methodology this book opens up a new perspective on the city.
Michaelis, T. 2015. Showtime Wilhelmsburg – A Randonnée of Possibilities. Spectormag.
Text: Bernd Kniess and Tabea Michaelis Photos: Tabea Michaelis Design: Wolfgang Schwärzler
The series UD is edited by Bernd Kniess, Urban Design, HafenCity Universität Hamburg.
ca. 420 pp., numerous colour images, thread-sewn softcover, English
Editors: Bernd Kniess, Urban Design, HafenCity Universität Hamburg
ISBN: 978-3-95905-060-9
Leipzig 2015 – 24.00 €

Wohnen zwischen Plan und Wirklichkeit
Warmes Wasser aus der Wand, Eigenes WC, Badewanne und Balkon waren die großen Freuden der Erstbewohner vieler Großwohnsiedlungen der Nachkriegsmoderne. Um Rostock wuchsen diese gewaltigen Großsiedlungen über nahezu vier Jahrzehnte buchstäblich auf der »grünen Wiese« und ragen inzwischen aus einem Wald von Abstandsgrün, welcher von endlos breiten Magistralen durch- schnitten ist. Straßen und …