173 Schoolhouses – ways of valuing obsolete school buildings in Estonia. 2022

Janosh Heydorn's thesis, with the title "173 Schoolhouses – ways of valuing obsolete school buildings in Estonia", focuses on the obsolete school buildings and cultural life that unfolds in the municipalities of Ida-Viru County in Estonia. It started off with the Urban Shrinkage that is happening in a lot of cities worldwide, especially in this notheastern country. Consequeses are increasingly prounanced, such as rising unemployment rate, aging population, loss of property value, increase in vacant buildings and undersused infrastructures. Then it draws the attentions to these closed schools – where a lot of them have been presevered and revived for culture purposes, and some of them are also abandoned. With further discussions on different valuations towards these obsolete schools buildings and how there could be a balance for programming these public properties.

Urban Design Thesis Project by Janosh Heydorn

Second Supervisor: Keith Kljavin





Modes of Inhabiting in the Anthropocene