Modes of Inhabiting in the Anthropocene
Cities are coproduced by multiple socio-ecological processes, and they are marked by the dense manifestations of interactions and coevolution of human and more-than-human life. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed multiple dimensions of the interconnectedness of life and the unanticipated consequences of expansive urbanization processes and accelerated mobility flows. So, how could this “wake-up call” be approached as a transformative moment for urban design admitting to its responsibility of making lives socially and environmentally just for humans and more-than-humans?
With this annual theme, we join this immense quest by thinking with the term Terrapolis, an “-n-dimensional niche space for multispecies worldling” in Donna Haraway’s conception. Terrapolis draws on Latin and Greek roots Terra- soil, and Polis- political community. It is a motivation to ignite speculative experiments for alternative political imaginaries of soil (Boden) in the Anthropocene; a call to rethink critically the uninhabitability of places amid extractivist and exploitative capitalist dynamics of enclosure and land grabbing; and ethics of "living and dying well with each other" prompting care and justice in the core of our practices (Haraway 2016: 11).
While imagining Terrapolis, we draw from rich work of feminist, post-colonial, and post-human scholars who challenge long-endured dualisms in the thinking of life and cohabitation “with and against the grain of urban designers” (Hinchliffe and Whatmore, 2006; Gibson-Graham, 2011). Such cohabitation of cities increasingly requires: “ecologies becoming urban, and cities becoming ecological” (Hinchliffe and Whatmore 2006: 128).
What are the dynamics, processes, materialities, and temporalities of inhabiting? What kind of alternative modes of inhabiting occur amid capitalist urbanization? How does inhabiting become precarious and volatile? How can we think of inhabiting as a form of caring and repairing the world? How can urban researchers and designers learn to build flourishing and liveable worlds for co-habitation?
We are interested in addressing these questions by exploring places, processes, actors, actions, and pedagogies that allow us to learn how cohabitation might flourish and be maintained. Those include, but are not limited to, transitional ecosystems (swamps, wetlands, meadows, estuaries), infrastructural spaces (waste, energy, consumption, transportation, urban greening, and green infrastructures, railway sidings, data centers, etc.), wastelands, leisure spaces (parks and allotments), urban transformation processes, and spaces of multispecies pedagogies.
Gibson-Graham JK (2011) A feminist project of belonging for the Anthropocene. Gender, Place & Culture 18(1): 1–21. DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2011.535295.
Haraway D (2016) Staying with the Trouble. Duke University Press. Available at: https://www.dukeupress.edu/staying-with-the-trouble (accessed 14 July 2021).
Hinchliffe S and Whatmore S (2006) Living cities: Towards a politics of conviviality. Science as Culture 15(2): 123–138. DOI: 10.1080/09505430600707988.
Master Theses
September 30, 2022
Matter(s) of Health and Care: Wie wird in der Stadt Hamburg Sorge getragen für die gesundheitliche Versorgung von wohnungslosen Frauen? 2022
Master Theses
September 30, 2022
Potentiale für eine neue Planung in Wilhelmsburg Nord: Wissens- und Raumproduktion sozio-kultureller Akteur:innen. 2022
August 15, 2022
15-19/08/22 Workshop: Friedrichstadt, wie machst du weiter?
July 7, 2022
07/07/22 UD Salon – Film Screening "Brachen"
July 3, 2022
03/07/22 Buchvorstellung Tom Paints the Fence – Re-negotiating Urban Design
June 30, 2022
30/06/22, 5 to 7 pm, Q & A for prospective students
Other Publications
May 5, 2022
Seminarbeilage zu Das Wissen der Gestaltung – die Gestaltung des Wissens
Other Publications
May 4, 2022
Tom Paints the Fence – Re-negotiating Urban Design
April 5, 2022
Friedrich-STADT-hotel: activate - participate - associate 2022
April 5, 2022
Methods, Tools & Theory 7 Focus Methods 2022
April 5, 2022
Methods, Tools & Theory 8 Documentation 2022
April 5, 2022
Playing (Urban) Archives
April 5, 2022
Urban Transformations II 2022
Urban Territories
April 5, 2022
Urban Territories II 2022
Urban Design Projects
April 1, 2022
Urban Design Project II 2022
March 31, 2022
more-than-anthropocene? Atlas der Beziehungsweisen. Atlas 2021/2022
February 27, 2022
Atlas Seminar 2021/22
February 22, 2022
Diagrammatik des Städtischen 2021/22
Other Publications
February 1, 2022
Inhabiting Displacement: Architecture and Authorship Shahd Seethaler-Wari, Somayeh Chitchian and Maja Momić
January 25, 2022
25/01/22 WohnWissen Übersetzen - Public Launch
December 13, 2021
13/12/21 - Lisa Marie Zander - Mikropol e.V.: Mikrogolf: Conception, Planning, Implementation and Documentation
December 10, 2021
10/12/21 Project management in Urban Design @ FaSt – Basics: Project management
November 3, 2021
MTT 6: Research and Design Transfer 2021/22
November 3, 2021
Transformations I 2021/22. Seminar
October 20, 2021
Transformations I 2021/22. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cities and Urban Processes - Lecture
Urban Design Projects
October 14, 2021
Urban Design Project I 2021/22. Terrapolis - Modes of Inhabiting in the Anthropocene.
Urban Design Projects
October 14, 2021
Urban Design Project III 2021/22. Terrapolis - Modes of Inhabiting in the Anthropocene
October 13, 2021
Gestaltung und Design II: WohnWissen Übersetzen
Urban Territories
October 12, 2021
Urban Territories I 2021/22
October 11, 2021
Basics: Project Management in Urban Design 2021/22 - Mini Golf Tour through Rothenburgsort
Urban Territories
October 1, 2021
Urban Territories 1
September 6, 2021
06-10/09/21 »Friedrichstadt - Wie entwickelst du?« Summer School im BMBF Reallaborprojekt Friedrich-STADT-Hotel.
Master Theses
September 30, 2020
173 Schoolhouses – ways of valuing obsolete school buildings in Estonia. 2022