Basics: Project Management in Urban Design 2021/22 - Mini Golf Tour through Rothenburgsort

The seminar BS-M-001-203 Basics: Project Management UD is closely related to the lecture BS-M-001-101 Basics: Project Management. While the lecture considers project management in the context of architecture and metropolitan development and provides insights into the three blocks "Toolbox", "Actors and Collaboration" and "Organisations", the seminar enables students to try out methods, tools and theories of Project Management in Urban Design employing a project to be carried out.

What should students expect?
The seminar develops a common ground in the first phase of the project: a) a situating within the academic discussion of Project Management in Urban Design and b) within the contributors to the seminar.
The seminar will focus on the academic discussion on the field of project management under environmentally and socially sustainable goals. Questions will be, among others: What does project management in urban design do to enable environmental and social sustainability? How is the profession and practice changing? What difficulties are (forced to) arise? How can Project Management in Urban Design contribute to dealing with emerging difficulties constructively and collectively? How can agency and participation be problematised and enabled within a concept of the learning city?
In the seminar, students practice the relevant tools of project management: visualisation and communication of concepts, capacity planning (Gantt chart), preparation, implementation and documentation of deadlines, knowledge management. The seminar concludes with a reflective review, a special format of group discussion, and the documentation and evaluation of the activities carried out.

What is it about?
After initial situating, the seminar sets off to Rothenburgsort to support the non-profit association ( in one of their upcoming projects. A video of the last collaboration with the Mikropol can be found here

The seminar draws on the knowledge acquired in the past in the Urban Design teaching and research programme and seeks to expand on it. The examination performance takes place via the documentation and reflection of the tested procedure on the platform

Mondays 11:45 am - 01:15 pm
2,5 cp
Kick-off: 11/10/21

  • Screenshot Miro Board: Dokumentation des Mikrogolf Workshops am 18.12.21
    Screenshot Miro Board: Dokumentation des Mikrogolf Workshops am 18.12.21
  • Screenshot Miro Board: Dokumentation des Mikrogolf Workshops am 18.12.21
    Screenshot Miro Board: Dokumentation des Mikrogolf Workshops am 18.12.21
  • Take Blatt für Take 1: Mini Golf und die Broschüre Modes of Play
    Take Blatt für Take 1: Mini Golf und die Broschüre Modes of Play
  • „Trümmerbahnen“ Ina Weber
    „Trümmerbahnen“ Ina Weber





Modes of Inhabiting in the Anthropocene