Urban Transformations II 2022

Transformations I & II combined are the whole first year mandatory urban theory module within the urban design graduate programme. In the winter term the course is split into a lecture and a reading seminar, the summer schedule is organized as a seminar.

In the seminar we will continue the engagement with contemporary debates in urban theory in a global perspective. We will facilitate the critical analysis of case studies and key projects in contemporary urbanism and reflect on the agency of built environment professionals in different geographical and cultural contexts. The seminar is based on the discussion of key texts from architecture and planning theory, urban social science and urban history.

Requirements are regular attendance and active engagement in class, preparation of texts and discussion formats, group presentations and a written individual paper.

Wednesdays 8:30-11:30.
HVP-3.107/ Seminarraum I





Modes of Inhabiting in the Anthropocene