Das letzte Gericht? (The last Meal?) 2018

The Thesis Project „Das letzte Gericht?“ – „the last meal?“ is concerned with street food stalls in Bangkok in their urban context. Based on the local situation, it studies the modes of their functioning, contexts of meaning and processes of negotiation that are inherent in the situation. The thesis assembles both, historical and current transformations, theoretical concepts as well as locally collected data material. By using different scales as well as qualitative methods, movements between discursive practices of displacement and of staying put emerge – between everyday life and event(ization), between modernization and silent resilience, between performance and defined rules. Through a comprehensive analysis and the permanent re-assembling of the entire material, three hypotheses emerge, which discuss the findings on the backdrop of the entire material. It appears that the last meal is not over yet - street food stalls are part of a long and continuous process. However, it may be that the last meal has already been consumed.
The Master Thesis offers a broader perspective through which street food stalls in Bankok can be considered in order to retain the function of the city as one of the biggest dining rooms of the world.

Urban Design Thesis Project by Julia Klink



Modes of Realising

Modes of Realising