Modes of Realising
There is an elephant in the room. It writes the themes of scholarly conferences. It constitutes both standardized and alternative modes of urban development. It mobilises and immobilises vast amounts of resources. It chooses one kind of politician over another. It draws the line between what is possible and what remains wishful thinking or speculation threatening the existence of ‘abnormal’ modes of living.
Looking at what it means to live today, no statement seems to better capture the dominant truth: We are all contributing to real estate.
Based on this fact – remember: facts are statements about reality, not reality – the interest of the annual theme Modes of Realising turns to the modes in which profits, ideas and things are actually spatially realised, which following the line of Marxist thinking goes beyond looking at the production side of things: Realisation is the transformation of something from an ideal or potential form to an actual or material form. Realisation of value is the conversion of a profit or payment in the form of a surplus product or credit into money form. Commodity production is based on the production of a product which the producers themselves do not need, on the basis that their own need can be met by exchange or sale of the surplus product. In particular capitalist production (the exploitation of labour through the ownership of the means of production, based on the division of classes) can only complete the cycle of capitalist reproduction when labour power is used, the product sold and paid for. The beginnings of crises often lie not so much in the failure to produce a surplus as in the failure to realise surplus production.

Everyday Urban Design
December 21, 2020
Everyday Urban Design 6. Planung als Vektor, Skript und Sichtbarmachung. Projektarchäologie eines Begegnungshauses
October 1, 2018
urban types: of houses and men 2018
September 27, 2018
26-29/09/18 MAKING OF Symposium and Autumn School: Designing Process Architecture
September 18, 2018
18-19/09/18 Thesis Reviews 2018
Master Theses
September 8, 2018
Entering Voids. 2018
Master Theses
September 8, 2018
Urban Voids. Re-ordering the Urban through Dissent? 2018
Master Theses
September 3, 2018
Das letzte Gericht? (The last Meal?) 2018
Master Theses
September 3, 2018
No Traces of Public Space? Searching for Public Urban Life in Lilongwe. 2018
Master Theses
September 3, 2018
The Polis was a Party Tent. Retroactive Montages. 2018
Master Theses
September 3, 2018
Urban Imaginarios. 2018
August 24, 2018
24/08/18 Open Atrium Colloquium
August 20, 2018
20-24/08/18 Summer School. Atrium Behaviorology
August 15, 2018
15/08/2018 Videography as collaborative methodology in interdisciplinary urban research
July 21, 2018
21/06/18 Friedrichstadt – what is your potential? Urban renewal in a very small city
July 10, 2018
10-14/07/18 Geopolitics of Place and Social Justice in Urban Design Studio at AESOP Annual Congress in Gothenburg, Sweden MAKING SPACE FOR HOPE
July 4, 2018
04/07/18 Alles bleibt eine Frage der Form(ate). waterfront Master Lectures
Other Publications
July 1, 2018
Option Improvisation: Why It Is Critical to Conceptualize Improvisation in Architecture and Urban Design
Other Publications
July 1, 2018
Spatial Agency: From the University of the Neighbourhoods to Building A Proposition For Future Activities or How Urban Design Mobilizes the Performative Plan
June 28, 2018
28/06/18 makecity.berlin | Ankommen, bauen, bleiben. Strukturen und Prozesse
June 27, 2018
27/06/2018 Architectural Ethnography, Public Lecture by Momoyo Kaijima, Atelier Bow-Wow
June 5, 2018
05/06/2018 Architektur und das Erhabene. Vom Raum der Gleichen.
May 15, 2018
05-08/09/18 Kosmos Workshop 2018. BEYOND URBAN TRANSFORMATION. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Everyday Life
Hamburg Open Online University
May 1, 2018
Project Management in Urban Design: Repository & Play
April 30, 2018
Building a Proposition for Future Activities
April 26, 2018
26/04/18 Guest Lecture Ivan Capdevila
April 18, 2018
Modes of Realising - Wohnen. Atlas 2017/2018
April 12, 2018
12/04/2018 Guest Lecture by Florian Kossak. Re-appropriating the Boom
April 12, 2018
12-14/04/2018 Performing the Open Plan at DARA 8 Symposium Prozesse | Processes
April 4, 2018
04/04/18 Release and discussion of the CITY Special Feature »Designed to Improve? The makings, politics and aesthetics of ‘social’ architecture and design«
April 1, 2018
Methods, Tools & Theory 6 Research and Design Transfer 2018
April 1, 2018
Methods, Tools & Theory 7 Focus Methods 2018
April 1, 2018
Methods, Tools & Theory 8 Documentation 2018
April 1, 2018
Realising a Proposition for Future Activities 2018
April 1, 2018
Summer School. Modes of Realising Affordable Forms of Living in Urban Practice 2018
April 1, 2018
Transformations II 2018
Urban Design Projects
April 1, 2018
Interdisciplinary Project: Home-making. Modes of Realizing Affordable Forms of Housing in Urban Practice 2018
Urban Design Projects
April 1, 2018
Urban Design Thesis Project 2018
Urban Territories
April 1, 2018
Urban Territories II 2018
Other Publications
March 20, 2018
Porosity and Open Form
March 13, 2018
13/03/18 Atlas Präsentation. Modes of Realising – Wohnen
March 5, 2018
Spring School 2018. Friedrichstadt, how do you accommodate? A videographic Approach
February 28, 2018
28/02/2018 Between work, production and housing. Open Lecture at Bergen School of Architecture
February 26, 2018
Wohnarchäologie. Friedrichstadt how do you dwell? zeichnerische und videografische Methoden zur Erforschung von (Wohn)Räumen. 2017/18
February 21, 2018
Diagrammatik des Städtischen. 2017/2018
Other Publications
January 25, 2018
Designed to improve? The makings, politics and aesthetics of ‘social’ architecture and design
Other Publications
January 25, 2018
Editorial: Towards the urban impossible
January 23, 2018
23/01/18 taz salon Hamburg. Wohnungsbau Hamburg! Aber wo?
January 19, 2018
19/01/18 Places en relation im Centre Pompidou
January 18, 2018
18/01/18 Public Presentation – Community Building Poppenbüttel 43
Hamburg Open Online University
December 1, 2017
Hamburg Open Online University. Learning with urban typologies - Videography as collaborative methodology in interdisciplinary urban research
November 30, 2017
30/11/17 Opening Ceremony and Public Announcement Cooperative Review Process Building a Proposition for Future Activities. Begegnungshaus Poppenbüttel 43
November 25, 2017
25/11/2017 Temporalising Mutuality: Explorations in the Workings of the Promise
November 3, 2017
3-9/11/17 Die Wand als epistemologischer Raum in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis. Jahresausstellung der HafenCity Universität 2017
Other Publications
November 1, 2017
Recht auf den Gebrauch der Stadt. Zur Normativität des Städtischen. In: Hiatus. Architekturen für die gebrauchte Stadt
October 19, 2017
19/10/17 Colloquium Modes of Realising. Project Neue Heimat
October 19, 2017
19/10/2017 Hesselbrand
October 19, 2017
Methods, Tools and Theories 6 Research and Design Transfer 2017/2018
October 19, 2017
Transformations I. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cities and Urban Processes - Lecture. 2017/2018
October 19, 2017
Transformations I. Seminar 2017/2018
Urban Design Projects
October 19, 2017
Interdisciplinary Project. Places en realition — 10 x 10 Plätze (er)finden, verbinden und transformieren. 2017/2018
Urban Design Projects
October 19, 2017
Urban Design Project I. Modes of Realising. 2017/2018
Urban Territories
October 17, 2017
Urban Territories I 2017/18
October 16, 2017
Das Soziale der Stadt IV „Towards a theory of a performativity of place?“ Zu Judith Butler. 2017/18
October 5, 2017
06/10/17 Public display of the outcome of the cooperative review process Building a Proposition for Future Activities.
October 2, 2017
Autumn School 2017. Friedrichstadt, how do you dwell? A videographic approach
Hamburg Open Online University
October 1, 2017
Darstellung und Relationalität
October 1, 2017
Circular #2 2017
Other Publications
October 1, 2017
Disciplined Disturbance
October 1, 2017
Stadt und Raum 2017/2018
September 25, 2017
Transcurricular elective. Building a Proposition for Future Activities: Architecture. 2017/18
September 1, 2017
Friedrichstadt, what is your potential? Friedrichstadt – competition future city oft the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)