- Teaching
- Courses
- October 1, 2018
urban types: of houses and men 2018
The interdisciplinary seminar »urban types: of houses and men« is offered to students in the Master programme Architecture (Design and Designing). Taught by an interdisciplinary lecturer team it is open to students from other programmes (UD, Geo, KM, BIW, REAP). It seeks to test in teaching and learning practice the format »Videography in Urban Research« that has been developed for the platform Hamburg Open Online University. The aim is to refine the cross-scalar analysis of urban building stock (urban typologies) in respect to its study-, research- and teaching-potentials for the designing disciplines as well as urban studies. And finally, the seminar aims to develop cases from Hamburg to feed into the online format and build up the digital archive.
Students practice working together in interdisciplinary groups and under interdisciplinary instruction (Architecture / Urban Design and Sociology / Urban Design) applying different methods and perspectives with a view to produce house and housing biographies and building and inhabitant surveys. Students are expected to familiarise themselves with this methodological approach and the methodical steps of cross-scalar urban research and to undertake their own small research projects.
On the basis of exemplary case studies of buildings and their inhabitants in Hamburg we ask about the relations between history, the present, structure, materiality, construction, laws, regulations, norms, typologies and uses that are inherent in the building stock and its inhabitants. How are the buildings constructed and built? Which political framings (commuting tax reduction, home ownership subsidy, locations of subsidised housing) are expressed? What kinds of inhabitants and dwelling structures can we ascertain? The partaking disciplines are asked to work according to their own disciplinary methods and are encouraged to combine these freely in their small interdisciplinary groups (oft wo) so that on the basis of the analysis of the contemporary situation and its having becomeness the production of house and housing biographies can be translated into possible futures.
Seminar: Tuesdays 14:15-17:00, 2.101
offered in Architecture (Design und Gestaltung)
Christopher Alexander 1977. A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. Massachusetts: Oxford University Press.
Christiane Cantauw (Hrsg.) (2017): Von Häusern und Menschen. Berichte und Reportagen vom Bauen und Wohnen von den 1950er Jahren bis heute. Münster/New York: Waxmann.
Färber, Alexa. 2014. „Potenziale freisetzen: AkteurNetzwerkTheorie und Assemblageforschung in der interdisziplinären kritischen Stadtforschung“. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 2 (1): 95–103.
Marie Antoinette Glaser und ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE (Hg.) (2013): vom guten wohnen. vier zürcher hausbiografien von 1915 bis zur gegenwart. Sulgen: Niggli.
Christine Hannemann (2000): Die Platte. Industrialisierter Wohnungsbau in der DDR. Berlin: Schelzky & Jeep.
Hartmut Häußermann / Walter Siebel (1996): Soziologie des Wohnens: Eine Einführung in Wandel und Ausdifferenzierung des Wohnens. Weinheim: Juventa.
Kuroda, Junzo, und Momoyo Kaijima. 2001. Made in Tokyo: Guide Book. Tokyo: Kaijima Institute Publishing Co.
Colin Ripley (2017) Strategies for Living in Houses, footprint 11(2), 95-108. https://journals.open.tudelft.nl/index.php/footprint/issue/view/567/View%20Issue.
George Teyssot (1989): Die Krankheit des Domizils. Wohnen und Wohnbau 1800 – 1930. Basel: Birkhäuser.
Dr. Anna Richter
Post-doctoral Researcher
M.A. Marieke Behne
Academic Staff, Ph.D. Candidate
Oskar Görg
Student Assistant, Urban Types
Modes of Realising

There is an elephant in the room. It writes the themes of scholarly conferences. It constitutes both standardized and alternative modes of urban development. It mobilises and immobilises vast amounts of resources. It chooses one kind of politician over another. It draws the line between what is possible and what remains wishful thinking or speculation threatening the existence of ‘abnormal’ modes …