- Student Projects
- Master Theses
- August 1, 2013
In Between - The Contextual Relevance of Interim Use 2013
Since cities are subject to constant transformation processes, they can be referred to as a temporary construct. One form that picks up on this temporality is the interim use. There is no in-depth publication to date that addresses the consequences interim use has for the urban context and its residents, or for the interim users themselves. For this reason, this work examines the general and long-term relationships between a use and its surrounding environment: What contextual relevance does interim use have and how does it relate to its context?
Looking at the interactions and dependencies will help us to grasp the role of context in its spatial and spaceless form. The many components that make up the context will be defined in the course of the research.
We have chosen the case study of Hamburg, because of topicality and local research proximity, and, in order to study temporary use as a planning tool, we will consider it from the local-spatial perspective and relate it to its surrounding environment.
This was examined with the help of four points of motivation — events that significantly influenced the interim use — while we developed “context categories” from our research findings, which described the “in between” — the relationship between interim use and the local environment.
Process of Interim Use Actors on different levels form the context Point of motivation: expansion Point of motivationt: transfer Context categories of the points of motivation
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. ETH Michael Koch
Urban Design and District Planning
Dipl.-Ing Katja Heinecke
Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. Rainer Johann
Stadt als Ressource

Die Stadt als Ressource besteht aus gebauten Räumen, sozialen Strukturen, ökonomischen Netzwerken, politischen Prozessen, die allesamt Potentiale für Weiterentwicklungen in sich bergen. Sie ist Materiallager, Marktplatz, Verkehrsinfrastruktur, öffentliche Institution. Und sie hat BewohnerInnen, die diese als Ressourcen nutzen, umdeuten und verändern. Der Begriff Ressource zielt dabei nicht …