Atlas Seminar 2024/25

The space of the printed page
A book is more than just a container for transporting text, it is itself a speaking form. Individual attitudes can be communicated through the way books are made: aesthetic attitudes, journalistic approaches to topics as well as the desire to belong to a certain group. Books can become ‘stages of knowledge production’ through the interlinking of texts, graphics and photographs; through a typographical design that guides the flow of reading and, last but not least, through the materiality of the book body, i.e. its format, paper and binding.
The seminar introduces students to an editorial practice in which the work of content and design are considered in conjunction from the outset. Based on the research carried out as part of the annual theme, concepts will be developed to organise the knowledge gained from the research on the pages of the book in such a way that it comes across to the recipient in a more lively, fluid, intensive and informative way. The space of the city and the space of the printed page are placed in relation to each other.



Current annual theme

Dirt Cheap!

Dirt Cheap!