DDTS 3 Ethics & Politics – Block Seminar Berlin 2024: Right to the City – Today

Lefebvre recognised that the emergence of difference in urban space is opposed to a tendency towards homogenisation. We want to look at the significance of the “Right to the City” today and how the lack of recognition of differences can contribute to societal division. As part of the 10th Right to the City Forum in Berlin, we will get to know places, groups and initiatives that recognise and acknowledge social differences and actively contribute to a city oriented towards the common good.

How can Lefebvre's theory of the "Right to the City" contribute to democratisation processes and support the search for justice? How is the right to the city translated into actions and processes today?Which urbanisation processes promote homogenisation? What individual, collective and institutional possibilities for action are there in a city in order to give space to the diversity of everyday lives?

Information: The seminar will take place as a block, in parallel to the Recht-Auf-Stadt Forum in Berlin from 07.06. - 09.06.2024. 

Three online sessions will take place on Mon 15.4, Tue 7.05 and Mon 1.7. (18:15-19:45). 

  • Photo: Monica Munoz
    Photo: Monica Munoz



Liminal Cities

Liminal Cities

Urban Life In-between