Metropolis and Hybridization I. Open Research and Communication Seminar 2009/2010

As part of the collaboration with the Cultural Studies Program at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, and Guest Professor Marcelo Tramontano (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) this seminar will focus on the role of digital culture within the contemporary built environment. It will theoretically explore and empirically analyze the metaprocesses such as mediatization, hybridization and globalization. We will research on the field of interfaces between digital media and urban development on different scales. We will identify existing examples of everyday urban hybridization and collect, conceptualize and categorize the data.
The important foundation of our interdisciplinary approach will be the hybridization of the work process itself. We will develop an approach that we call open research: a research that is based on media, which products will function as material and the foundation for a media-based communication platform. The research will be enhanced and enriched by the reflection of theoretical backgrounds in order to conceptionalise the working process itself.
Since we will work with two units from two different universities and a technology base in Sao Paulo the work process can only work with media. Thus we aim to intensify the exchange experiences with media as ongoing development. Nevertheless the face to face interaction is indispensable within that process. The meetings will take place in Hamburg and Lüneburg. Results will be edited and presented in an exhibition.





Unplanmäßiger Städtebau und Stadtentwicklung von unten