- Teaching
- Transformations
- April 1, 2015
Transformations II – Exercise 2015
The concept of participation must be reexamined, If improvisation is understood as a principle of creativity in transformation processes. This includes the activating methods of conventional urban planning, as well as the ideas of architecture criticism that place collective organization and education at the core of their considerations.
Therefore, this exercise focuses on the idea of participation as well as its various implications, in order to situate the urban-related developments. In addition, the exercise creates space to discuss the basic concepts of Prof. Christopher Dell’s main seminar, as well as the corresponding issues regarding roles and planning realities.
The prerequisite for a successful participation, in addition to a concrete idea for a text, is intensive reading of fundamental texts for the particular session. The object of the text groups is to create an A0 poster, based on the text that presents your analysis of the text and the concept of participation and, if necessary, is presented using a selected example. Students are requested to further develop their theoretical reflections on the text using appropriate presentation formats and make them available to the entire group.
Source: Buttenberg Spacedepartment

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