As sociologist and urban designer, Nina Manz focuses on (urban) land, property issues and common ownership models. She is involved in the project “WERK – Haus Neuer Arbeit” which develops collective ownership structures at Kraftwerk Bille in Hamburg Hammerbrook. She works for the local initiative “HALLO: Verein für raumöffnende Kultur e.V.”, which functions as a co-productive intersection between art and urban development. As co-founder of “Urban Knowledge Collective”, she is interested in the international transfer of city-specific knowledge pools.

Nina Manz
March 31, 2022
more-than-anthropocene? Atlas der Beziehungsweisen. Atlas 2021/2022
Urban Design Projects
October 14, 2021
Urban Design Project I 2021/22. Terrapolis - Modes of Inhabiting in the Anthropocene.
October 13, 2021
Gestaltung und Design II: WohnWissen Übersetzen
Master Theses
September 30, 2020
Bodenfrage(n): Eine kritische Analyse des Eigentums in Theorie und Praxis. 2020
October 18, 2018
18/10/18 Project colloquium. Let's play house! with guest lectures by Patricia Frericks and Colin Ripley
April 18, 2018
Modes of Realising - Wohnen. Atlas 2017/2018