15/09/16 Urban Design Master Thesis Presentations

Invitation to the presentations open to all members of the university
Urban Design Master Thesis 2016

From the graspable challenges of a new housing question through to potentialities of self-building practices in summer residences in Tallin and Peking, from incomprehensible way finding systems in Hamburg’s subway stations to the lived realities of highly qualified employees in Kenia, from the opportunities and challenges of master plans through to the appearance of an interim period of a small town waiting for its completion.

The range of final year projects in the research and teaching programme Urban Design at HCU illustrates once again that the certainty of knowing the city has become fragile. For those who take a closer look, the urban has always been a dynamic object of research and design process in whose production we all participate.
The master theses in Urban Design show that this alleged loss can be perceived as gain: if we realise the city as process of the urban, we can experiment with new forms of practical efficacy with others as city.

Thursday 15th Sept. 2016 9am-6pm presentations
Friday 16th Sept 2016 9am-6pm presentations
Friday 16th Sept 2016 8pm award of grades + drinks

15th and 16th September 2016
9am – 6pm
Holcim Auditorium | Lecture Theatre 200
HafenCity University Hamburg





City of Residents