- Events
- June 15, 2023
15/06/23 Hamburger Architektursommer - Urban Design at HCU
Urban Design at Hamburger Architektursommer: Perspectives of Young City Makers
Public Program: Thursday, 15.6.
12:00-13:30 - Discussion
"Welche Positionen haben junge Stadtmacher:innen, die an zukunftsweisenden Projekten beteiligt sind? Welche Anforderungen resultieren an Stadt und ihre zukünftige Entwicklung?"
Holcim Auditorium
with contributions by:
Dariya Kryshen (Haus der Statistik, Berlin) : Projekt Haus der Statistik
Julia Englert (hallo e.V., Hamburg) : Projekt Alster-Bille-Elbe PARKS
Dominique Peck (Projektbüro, Hamburg) : Projekt Billhorner Platz/ Post-Corona-Stadt
and moderation by Prof. Bernd Kniess
12:00-13:30 - Workshop "CO-OP Haus Part 1: Kampnagel und seine Orte."
together with Studio SM and UDP2 students
R 2.015
14:30-16:00 - Workshop "CO-OP Haus Part 2: Ein soziales Miteinander schaffen."
together with Studio SM and UDP2 students
R 2.015
18:30 - Lecture “The Value of Existing"
Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal
Holcim Auditorium
We are looking forward to seeing you and to explore inter- and transdisciplinary exchange at HCU Hamburg!
Date: 15.06.2023
Location: HafenCity Universität Hamburg
all Photos: Antonia Lembcke
Julia Maria Englert
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Bernd Kniess
Professor, Urban Design
M.A. Antonia Lembcke
Academic Staff, Ph.D. Candidate
M.Sc. Dominique Peck
Academic Staff, Ph.D. Candidate
The Minimum

Standards and ethics of the minimum
Against the pursuit of infinite capitalist economic growth based on extractivism and exhaustion of land, labor, and bodies, there is growing unrest among urban populations to radically reassess and challenge the enduring political and economic standards? that render capitalism a powerful engine for social inequalities and insecurities: the ongoing climate crises with extreme weather events; war …