The Minimum
Standards and ethics of the minimum
Against the pursuit of infinite capitalist economic growth based on extractivism and exhaustion of land, labor, and bodies, there is growing unrest among urban populations to radically reassess and challenge the enduring political and economic standards? that render capitalism a powerful engine for social inequalities and insecurities: the ongoing climate crises with extreme weather events; war and political instabilities; global energy shortages; housing crises; and the not-quite-yet-over pandemic, among many other issues, pose fundamental risks to human and non-human life. The current regime is governed by the “minimalist state” and the techniques of the “minimum” (Lorey 2015) which serve to minimize social welfare and maximize social inequality and precarity.
With this annual theme, we are interested in how the “minimum” is negotiated, governed and managed? Where is the “minimum” located? between prosperity and precarity, between the unrealized liberal economic promises of prosperity and equality and today’s “extinct” safeguarding policies of the welfare state? What are the standards? of secure working and living conditions? How do urban populations adapt and arrange their everyday lives with the dynamically redefined and lowered minimum? How might the “minimum” be also a question of ethics in the light of resource scarcity and the imminent global recession? In how far can, thus, maintenance and repair provide a “corrective framework (Mattern 2018)” and guiding principle for “minimum” in achieving a socially and ecologically just city? And, finally, what kind of politics is called for in “maximizing the minimum”?
Lorey, Isabell, Aileen Derieg, and Judith Butler. 2015. State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious. Translated by Aileen Derieg. Verso Books.
Mattern, Shannon. 2018. ‘Maintenance and Care’. Places Journal, November.

Master Theses
September 30, 2023
Das Fleisch und die Stadt. Betrachtungen urbaner Landwirtschaft in Hamburg. 2023
Master Theses
September 30, 2023
Freund*innenschaft und Wohnen – Haushalten aushandeln: 2023
Master Theses
September 30, 2023
Garagen: Portrait einer Disposition? 2023
Master Theses
September 30, 2023
Umweltbildung zum Thema Stadtgrün. 2023
Master Theses
September 30, 2023
Wohnen als Sorge-Infrastruktur: Eine Feministische Betrachtung der räumlich-materiellen Strukturen und Akteurskonstellationen im Entstehungsprozess des Wiener Nordbahnviertels. 2023
September 30, 2023
Ans Aufs Im Ums Wasser
September 30, 2023
Taking into account what is not there
September 30, 2023
The Garden
August 31, 2023
31/08/23 Final presentations: UDP2 Transforming the Minimum - Speculating Kampnagel
July 15, 2023
15/07/23 Summerparty 2023!
June 27, 2023
27/06/23 “Designing with the Planet" Lecture by Laura Kemmer
June 15, 2023
15/06/23 Hamburger Architektursommer - Urban Design at HCU
June 15, 2023
15/06/23 "The Value of Existing" Lecture by Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal
May 3, 2023
03/05/23 "Social participation, environment and cities: urban design in Brazil" Lecture by Jeferson Tavares
May 3, 2023
01/06/23 - 15/07/23 Application for the M.Sc. program Urban Design
May 2, 2023
02/05/23 "Site is Half the Work" Lecture by Gilly Karjevsky
Urban Design Projects
April 6, 2023
Urban Design Project II 2023. Transforming the Minimum – Speculating Kampnagel
April 5, 2023
Transformations II 2023: Uncertainty, public space, pandemics and digital platforms
April 4, 2023
Gestaltung und Design I: WohnWissen 2023
Urban Territories
April 4, 2023
Urban Territories II 2023
April 1, 2023
Methods, Tools & Theory 6: Research and Design Transfer 2023
April 1, 2023
Methods, Tools and Theory 7: Focus Methods 2023
April 1, 2023
Wohnwissen 2023
March 31, 2023
Modus Minimum. Standards und Ethiken im städtischen Alltag. Atlas 2022/2023
March 31, 2023
"Experimental" Knowledge Production
March 31, 2023
Systembau macht Schule
March 23, 2023
23/03/23 Standards and Ethics of the Minimum: Final Presentations of UDP1 and UDP3 2022/2023
January 26, 2023
26/01/23 Larissa Fassler: Viewshed
November 24, 2022
24-27/11/22 REVUE 22 Annual Exhibition
Other Publications
October 31, 2022
Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations
Urban Design Projects
October 19, 2022
Urban Design Project I 2022/2023. Standards and Ethics of the Minimum: Everyday Life
Urban Design Projects
October 19, 2022
Urban Design Project III 2022/2023. Standards and Ethics of the Minimum: Education
September 27, 2022
Atlas Seminar 2022/23
September 27, 2022
Diagrammatik des Städtischen 2022/23
September 27, 2022
Gestaltung und Design II: Urban Types
September 27, 2022
Transformations I: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cities and Urban Processes - Lecture 2022/23
September 27, 2022
Transformations I - Seminar 2022/23
Urban Territories
September 27, 2022
Urban Territories I 2022/23