24-27/11/22 REVUE 22 Annual Exhibition

UD Master program students have presented their work from the last two years in the annual exhibition called REVEU 22, organized and curated by students of HafenCity Universität. The exhibition is open from 24-27 November 2022 at the Kraftwerk Bille.

Some impressions from the exhibition:
[1-2] Shared living room curated with the Kultur der Metropole students. Wall showcasing the first-year design project outcomes and the Atlas: More than Anthropocene? Atlas der Beziehungsweise.
[3-5] Urban Design Projects, Thesis, Summer school Friedrichstadt, and elective courses Playing (Urban) Archives, WohnWissen, and Urban Types.
[6-7] Dilan Karatag's Master thesis titled Matter(s) of Health and Care (supervised by Prof.Dr.Monika Grubbauer and Gozde Sarlak-Krämer) was awarded the sustainability award by the HCU.

You can also visit the digital exhibition here.

Date: 24.-27.11.2022
Location: Kraftwerk Bille

  • All photos: Jan-Marius Komorek
    All photos: Jan-Marius Komorek


The Minimum

The Minimum

Standards and ethics of the minimum