Hamburg Open Online University. Basics: Project Management in Urban Design

Given the contemporary urban situation, project management has been identified as a highly regulated and intensely politicised yet open field of activities emerging as a necessity in the work of a growing number of actors affiliated with the production of the urban. We began this adventure of transposing information from the doingness aspects of the research and teaching programme Urban Design to this contribution to the Hamburg Open Online University platform with a strong motive: realizing an E-Learning arrangement that reflects on urban forms of knowledge in the making and aims at fostering capacities to transform agencies immanent to objects and organisations more open to the reality of urban processes than any preconceived form of interaction.
We decided to go about this in the mode of doing a Project Archaeology on the Summer School Building a Proposition for Future Activities which took place from September 12th to 24th 2016. As Project Management in Urban Design is a multi-sited field of activities, we will introduce you to some of these sites through two different types of videos that structure this E-Learning Arrangement vertically, while the three columns structure it horizontally: Column A of a module will introduce you to a particular doingness aspect of the summer school On Site. Column B will contextualize this particular doingness aspect with pertinent methods, tools and theories of Project Management in Urban Design. Column C will give you the chance to put your understanding of the information in Column A and B to the test. In addition to this first order of information Columns A and B will feature links, footnotes and references for further contestation and understanding of particular aspects of this field of activities.
The project archaeology is not an endpoint of the summer school and its transcendent motive Building a Proposition for Future Activities, but rather constitutes its very own prolific project field in the form of different modes of archives. As such the summer school and this E-Learning arrangement are two different takes on this transcendent motive that is essentially about the discovery of what the changing patterns of everyday life can tell us about the contemporary urban situation in general and the invention of re-negotiated and integrative professional modes of the production of the urban in particular.

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Spatial Politics of Comfort