Spatial Politics of Comfort
The theme of the year for 2016/17 deals with the aspects and perspectives of luxury. In general, luxury is usually associated with a contrast between shortage and excess. This is also true for housing. In this context, we examine Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal’s (2013) hypothesis from the (social) housing theory point of view: “LUXURY is not related to money, but it's the condition of achieving above and beyond what was imagined to be possible."
Luxury is first discussed as a spatial concept that allows for different uses. The demand for “luxury for all” is based on this notion of a “luxe communal.” It first appeared in the then rediscovered manifesto of the Paris Commune of 1871 (Ross 2015; Shaw 2016), and primarily addressed an appropriation of beauty, leisure, education, and a de-privatization of art and aesthetics, which should be available to everyone. But this does not address the question of what luxury means to different people. Wiesing (2015) tackles this notion of the relational quality of luxury from the perspective of phenomenology by searching “for principles according to how a thing is experienced, so that it becomes a thing of luxury to someone.” In contrast, Bourdieu (1982) speaks of a culture consisting of fine differences in ways of living, in which the performance of a person or social milieus designates who “belongs” and who is “excluded.” This distinction becomes manifest as an urban spatial consequence especially where we find housing projects based on exclusivity, and whose appearance is unchanging and designed to denote a preconceived notion of distinction — as gated communities with ‘round the clock security guards and residential services (see Hannemann 2010; Marcuse 1996; Mingione 1996; Glucksberg 2016).
Finally, we must consider the “reverse side of luxury” (Knowles, 2014), that is, the relationship between high-priced residential areas and styles and the low-paid employees that are hired to manage and maintain them. This addresses both the normative as well as the ethical aspects of the city. (Menke 2015; Moller 2015; Mostafavi 2016)
UD examines the conflicts confronting the city’s comfort zones. What is luxury to different residents of the city? What typologies of luxury can be found and in which way do they express themselves? How is the luxury of the city produced? Which spatial policy decisions and legislation are involved? How do city inhabitants want to live together and what normative or ethical aspects should apply? What government techniques affect the distribution and circulation of urban population? How can issues of welfare, well-being, and diversity be addressed? Through which activities, places, and things is the city's luxury articulated and how does this occur?
Opening night
20/10/2016, 6.30 pm, HCU Cafe

Everyday Urban Design
December 21, 2020
Everyday Urban Design 5. Everyday State of Emergency. The Influence of French Counterterrorist Security Measures on Public Spaces in Paris
Master Theses
September 30, 2017
In between exhibition and accommodation The „places for people” in Vienna and Venice. 2017
Master Theses
September 30, 2017
The translocal use of the urban. Urban arrangements in Comănești – Romania. 2017
Master Theses
September 28, 2017
Everyday state of emergency: the influence of French counterterrorist security measures on public spaces in Paris. 2017
Master Theses
September 28, 2017
Knowledge production in the Urban Development Process Mitte Altona. 2017
Master Theses
September 27, 2017
Place-making thanks to a power line. 2017
September 26, 2017
26/09/17 Thesis Reviews 2017
September 21, 2017
21/09/2017 Theory and practice. Ways of understanding, expressing and practicing looking at the world
Other Publications
September 21, 2017
Stadtproduktion. Zwischen Regierungstechnik und Selbstbau
September 16, 2017
16/09/17 Interim Colloquium of the Cooperative Review Process Building a Proposition for Future Activities and Summer Fest.
Master Theses
September 15, 2017
The Hutong as Space of Arrival and Stay: Learning from Urban Transformations. 2016
September 8, 2017
08/09/2017 Performing the plan and the problem of Urban Design
September 8, 2017
Summer School. Building a Proposition for Future Activities 2017. Project Days & Architecture Workshop
September 5, 2017
Drawing. Building a Proposition for Future Activities 2017
Other Publications
August 1, 2017
Other Publications
July 31, 2017
The assembly of the University of the Neighbourhoods (UoN). A documentation of making new forms of agencies available.
July 21, 2017
21/07/17 Building a Proposition for Future Activities Architecture offices announced
Other Publications
July 13, 2017
Hamburg Open Online University. Basics: Project Management in Urban Design
July 6, 2017
Re-positioning project management in urban design
June 22, 2017
22/06/2017 Luxury Housing Developments and Homelessness in East London: Who’s Benefiting from the 2012 Olympic Games Housing Legacy?
April 20, 2017
20/04/17 International Conference GLOBAL X-NETWORK ANNUAL MEETING
April 5, 2017
05/04/17 Book Release: Everyday Urban Design
April 5, 2017
05/04/2017 Luxury – Spatial Politics of Comfort. Our World to Change! Ruedi and Vera Baur
April 3, 2017
Methods, Tools & Theory 8 Documentation 2017
April 3, 2017
Methods, Tools & Theory 6 Research and Design Transfer 2017
April 3, 2017
Methods, Tools & Theory 7 Focus Methods 2017
April 3, 2017
Social City III 2017
April 3, 2017
The Composition of the Urban III 2017
April 3, 2017
Transformations II 2017
Urban Design Projects
April 3, 2017
Urban Design Projekt II Luxury. Spatial Politics of Comfort 2017
Urban Design Projects
April 3, 2017
Urban Design Thesis Project 2017
Urban Territories
April 3, 2017
Urban Territories II 2017
March 31, 2017
31/03/17 Atlas Show. Luxury – Spatial Politics of Comfort
March 31, 2017
31/03/17 Urban Design Project I & III Presentations
February 2, 2017
02/02/17 To whom it may concern
January 26, 2017
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #9 Der Refugee-Komplex zur Diskussion
January 26, 2017
Informality as a Mode of Urbanism. Aktuelle Perspektiven und Herausforderungen informeller Stadtentwicklung
January 19, 2017
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #8 Bleiben & (Aus-)Bildung
January 12, 2017
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #7 Bleiben & Arbeit
December 8, 2016
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #6 Bleiben & Wohnen
December 1, 2016
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #5 Bleiben & Recht
December 1, 2016
The Assembly of the University of the Neighbourhoods (UoN) at City in Context. Alhamra Arts Council, Lahore, Pakistan
November 24, 2016
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #4 Bleiben & Mobilität
October 20, 2016
20/10/16 Opening of the annual theme "Luxury – Spatial Politics of Comfort"
October 19, 2016
Transformations I 2016/2017
Urban Design Projects
October 18, 2016
Urban Design Project I Luxury. Spatial Politics of Comfort 2016/2017
Urban Design Projects
October 18, 2016
Urban Design Project I Luxury. Spatial Politics of Comfort 2016/2017
Urban Design Projects
October 18, 2016
Urban Design Project III Luxe Commun – Communal Luxury 2016/2017
Urban Territories
October 18, 2016
Urban Territories I Luxury: Spatial politics of comfort 2016/2017
October 17, 2016
Social City II “The Distribution of the Sensible” 2016/2017
October 17, 2016
Project Management in Urban Design – Extending projects into time and space 2016/2017
October 17, 2016
The Composition of the Urban II 2016/2017
Other Publications
October 1, 2016
Die Stadt als offene Partitur
October 1, 2016
Methods, Tools & Theory 6 Research and Design Transfer 2016/2017
Other Publications
September 1, 2016
Epistemologie der Stadt: Improvisatorische Praxis und gestalterische Diagrammatik im urbanen Kontext
July 7, 2016
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #3 Nachbarschaften. Alteingesessene zwischen Aktivierung und Ressentiments
June 30, 2016
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen und Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #2. Von Kämpfen um Bauen und Wohnen: Wie Migration Stadt baut und Stadt Wohnen regiert.
June 30, 2016
Circular #1 2016
June 9, 2016
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17. Vom Kommen & Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert
June 9, 2016
HafenCity Lectures 2016/17 Vom Kommen & Bleiben. Wie Migration Stadt produziert #1 Ankommen und Bleiben als (historische) Tatsachen der Stadtproduktion