Anais Wiedenhöfer is part of the Urban Design teaching team since 2018. She works as a scientific researcher at the Archaeological Museum Hamburg where she accompanies the SmartSquare project with a focus on the potentials of digital knowledge transfer for public spaces. Aspects of accessibility, sustainability and scalability of digital projects in museums play a special role here. She is also the co-publisher of »Alle - naives Gesellschaftsmagazin«.

M.Sc. Anais Wiedenhöfer
Room 3.111.1
Urban Design Projects
April 1, 2021
Urban Design Project II 2021. The Urban Unknown: Vacancies
March 31, 2021
Atlas der Unsicherheit. Atlas 2020/2021
Urban Design Projects
October 22, 2020
Urban Design Project I 2020/21. Uncertainty and the Future Development of Inner-Cities
Urban Design Projects
April 28, 2020
Urban Design Project II 2020. Urgent Matter(s): Maintaining Social Infrastructures
March 31, 2020
Urgent Matter(s). Taking Care of Urban Futures. Atlas 2019/2020
October 24, 2019
24/10/19 – Elke Krasny und Ingo Weidlich. Urgent matter(s). Taking care of urban futures
Urban Design Projects
September 17, 2019
Urban Design Project I 2019/20. Urgent Matter(s): Taking care of urban futures
November 26, 2018
26/11/18 Book presentation. Everyday Urban Design 3 and 4. Pro qm, Berlin
October 18, 2018
18/10/18 Book presentation. Everyday Urban Design 3 and 4. Sautter+Lackmann, Hamburg
October 18, 2018
18/10/18 Project colloquium. Let's play house! with guest lectures by Patricia Frericks and Colin Ripley
Everyday Urban Design
October 9, 2018
Everyday Urban Design 4. Genossenschaftliche Wohnraumproduktion in Zürich & München: Akteur*innen, Prozesse, Modelle, Regularien, Gleichzeitigkeiten
Urban Design Projects
October 1, 2018
Urban Design Project I. Let's play house. 2018/2019
Urban Design Projects
October 1, 2018
Urban Design Project III. Reassembling 'let’s play house‘ - construction of an experimental arrangement 2018/19
April 3, 2017
Methods, Tools & Theory 8 Documentation 2017
April 3, 2017
Methods, Tools & Theory 7 Focus Methods 2017
Urban Design Projects
April 3, 2017
Urban Design Thesis Project 2017
April 1, 2014
De-zentral – Facetten des Urbanen. Atlas 2013/2014