Benjamin Pohl was academic member of staff in the research and teaching programme Urban Design and active in the project »University of the Neighbourhoods« (UoN). He is an industrial mechanic by training and studied Design, Photography and Film in Berlin. Since 2003 he was a freelance in image design. In the context of UD and UoN he was concerned with performative videographic methods. His research interests are the qualitative study of locally embedded economic actor networks, their specific production of locality and the transformation of working worlds in a post-industrial society. He graduated in 2012 in Urban Design with a master thesis on spatial and economic practices of gastronomic entrepreneurs on the Elbe islands together with his colleague Hans Vollmer. He lives and works between Berlin, Basel and Hamburg and accompanies Urban Design as a visiting lecturer.
M.Sc. Benjamin Pohl
Academic staff
April 1, 2016
Friedrichstadt, what do you do? 2016
March 31, 2016
Rhythmen der Parapolis – Akteure / Handlungen / Orten. Atlas 2015/2016
Annual Themes
March 1, 2016
Urban Design Projects
October 15, 2015
Urban Design Project I Parapolis — city residents * 2015/2016
Master Theses
July 1, 2015
Kooperative Planung 2015
Other Publications
May 1, 2015
University of the Neighbourhoods - Hotel as Method?
Urban Design Projects
April 2, 2015
Urban Design Project II (un)stable. A Space of Possibiliy: Large Housing Estate 2015
April 1, 2015
Methods, Tools & Theory 6 Research and Design Transfer 2015
March 31, 2015
Plattentektonik – Wohnen im Spannungsfeld von Plan und Wirklichkeit. Atlas 2014/2015
Annual Themes
October 1, 2014
Urban Design Projects
October 1, 2014
Urban Design Project I (In)stabil – Wohnen zwischen Plan und Wirklichkeit 2014/2015
April 1, 2014
De-zentral – Facetten des Urbanen. Atlas 2013/2014
Urban Design Projects
April 1, 2014
Urban Design Project. Research and Design II »de—zentral« Mobilitäten und Zugang. Wirkgefüge, Potenziale und (An)Ordnungen 2014
Annual Themes
October 1, 2013
Urban Design Projects
October 1, 2013
Urban Design Project. Research and Design I de-zentral. Facetten des Urbanen 2013/2014
August 1, 2013
Kombinować - Recognize and Activate Networks Potentials 2013
April 1, 2013
Interkulturelle Praxis Hotel Wilhelmsburg - Küchensalons als kuratorische Praxis 2013
Urban Design Projects
April 1, 2013
Urban Design Project II Research and Design Stadt als Ressource 2013
April 1, 2011
Interkulturelle Praxis IV: Explore Wilhelmsburg Arbeitswelten. Eine videographische Annäherung. Universität der Nachbarschaften 2011
April 1, 2010
Atlas des UN-GEPLANTEN. 2009/2010
April 1, 2010
Urban Cut-up 2010