Gözde Sarlak-Krämer joined the research and teaching program Urban Design at HafenCity University Hamburg in October 2019. She holds a BSc in Urban and Regional Planning from the Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul/Turkey (2009), and MSc in European Urbanism from Bauhaus University, Weimar/Germany (2012). Prior to joining the HCU team, Gözde held teaching and research positions at Istanbul Bilgi University (2013-2016), Technical University in Berlin (2017-2018), Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (2009-2010), and UNAM Mexico City (2010). Her research interests lie at the crossroads of urban design, urban studies, feminist political ecology, and commons, addressing processes and issues of urbanization through social and environmental design justice and ethics of care perspectives in multispecies cities. Gözde is also a doctoral candidate at the HCU, where she works on her thesis tentatively titled: “Assembling Commoning: Urban Commoning, Conflict and Politics of Possibility in Istanbul,” where she investigates the role of urban conflicts in urban commoning; and how contestation, resistance, solidarity, and care can nurture a more inclusive urban politics of multispecies justice in contemporary cities. Gözde acts as a co-facilitator of the NYLON Berlin, a self-organized Ph.D. network between Humboldt University Berlin, NYU and LSE London since 2019.